Apr 22, 2004 19:49
I don't know whats going on? What's our purpose in Life anyways? God? Eternal life? Who needs Love? Feelings? Emotions? What for, if Everything just drops after getting so high?
Do you ever wonder if life is just a cruel joke from God gone too far? Man, it sure does feel like that today! All I want to do is please God! My whole life is Gods from now on! No more "endless possibilities!" for me! I'm on a mission! Why? Sometimes I wonder, Why couldn't I get chosen later on in life? after all the fun has been done? Why now? My mission found me too early in life! Worse of all it came with a tag-along called "conviction"! I just feel Like trash! If God loves me so much than why dosn't he protect me of my worse feeling? Emotional Inner pain. Would a father not protect his children from danger? The world, Slinging pot, Friends, so-called "Love", It felt so good! But why? Do I have what it takes? the prices I pay, for what? "Preacher Boy!, Jackass!, Mr. Perfect!, Idiot!" "What happened to you Victor? you've changed!" "You used to be so cool!" "we Loved you!" "your giving us up for some Book!" Yeah!!! I Am!!! And??? So!!! I'm Proud of who I am!....... Am I really? Do others even care! I try so hard to "fit in"! Maybe this whole new life isn't for me? Maybe this isn't my home! Then where is it? I Helped you!!!! Now Help Me!!!! You're not my everything anymore!!! Your just a thing from the past! Your just something that broke my legs in the race! Love, No, not you! Tears, yeah, and! Like you care! Just stop! It's in the past! We, all need someone! just not each other! Do you feel me! Can you hear my voice? My soul is Trying to escape from reality! While my mind has to sit there and wait! If I could take one thing away from my life! it would be the pain of this Mission!!! Oh, and by the way! My mission involves You!!!
Thanks God!