It's been a long time comin'

Nov 28, 2006 08:14

So, I do not post here often, but when I do I try and give some sort of insight even if it is only for myself when all is said and done.

Recent Revelation: The fierce current of ambition is the deepest water to wade when you are as cynical as myself. When you find yourself in a world so ridden with political and ethical turmoil, within a world of false idols and trivial success, the very idea of ambition seems so ironic it is almost counter-productive. Most ambition has been institutionalized thanks to the modern administrative principles of Swine and Swindling, with each idea-sucking process list coming straight off of the American Dream Checklist. Any and all areas of ambitious expression and progression have been safe-guarded from intrigue by the original achievers of the American Dream of each area originally. The capitalists and businessmen.
With the Doctor in mind, I can say that The American Dream has been so well represented since its inception into our lovely mass-media system, that it has truly become the Fuel for the Torch that is American Imperialism. The entire nation has become so romantically involved with the American Dream that any soul born unto the land will stand on the mountain and shout our greatness; right or wrong we are mighty. While the entire nation burns to warm the coldest hearts in the world, our glory will only be comparable to our ignorance. Your parents let you and everyone you know go through a brainwashing system that strangles vigilance and subliminally superimposes hierarchy into your psyche to the point that you could believe it is necessary. Why? Did they not go through this before you? I cannot even imagine throwing children into an environment like that and expecting them to have personality, let alone real ambition. Real ambition, the kind that Woodie Guthrie would have told you about. The kind of ambition that could drive you to ramble and sing, just to know that you hadn't been broken. Just to show yourself that you won't be a slave, no matter what kind of nice name they give your captivity, you won't be a slave.
We all need a song to sing, and a road to ramble. We all need a rhythmic release for all the aches and pains, and a path that allows us to gamble. Why if we grew up complex we could just live simple, humble and learned, with something to offer generations after us on all fronts. As Henry David before me, I can find none by form of elder that can bring forth to my mind a paradigm they have had to earn to spread, and the ability to rack my very being with their experience. A person of great age can assume to have my respect, but age without wisdom is to me a life represented by taxation. And a life punctuated and mapped by credit is a tragic waste; worse than the injustices of the very Creditmen who write the history of each calculated life.

Ingratiation is the word of our nation. That's the lifestyle of self degradation. It concerns constant self-gratification, and social masturbation. Success in life is showing off your living situation? I don't know that could cause a lot of frustration, and not to mention economic fluctuation. I somehow feel that this ingratiation of our nation has affected my representation. Our political climate is subject to constant manipulation. All the good people wallow in hesitation, so afraid of a little abrasion. But there really is no use for this procrastination, we just lack the education. This is my proclamation, for the need of new indoctrination. Our justification may come only through intense violation and exploitation.
Nonetheless, We need to give this System a Castration.

Move on with strength and integrity, you are young, you have will.

The world needs to change, I am still changing, and I know we all are. I just want to know that the rest of the world is looking to move ahead. Our generation has the ultimate information tool, the internet, at its disposal. If we all did a little personal research, and became just a bit more intelligent and intellectual, we could change the world for the better. I don't know right now, I am getting very tired and slowly fading into unconsciousness just like our violated generation on the assembly line. Every day we awake from now on will be a proud step into a better more interesting world. I can say that I have lived my life differently than anyone else I know, and that I am proud of my experimentation and mind expansions in aspects physical and philosophical. I often beat myself up for not being accomplished yet, but I have time, and I have done a lot to be proud of. I may not have anything flashy to show you, but I have some stories, I have some songs, and I will definitely care about you.

I'm never giving up on myself

Nothing is superficial if it means everything to you,

Plisken Bilson
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