I knew I took a Photoshop class for a reason

Sep 05, 2005 21:07

I was bored today and didn't feel like doing my homework, so I started messin' around with some old icons I had, and I got to my old pic from thefacebook.com
It was like such:

Then I decided, since my hair is no longer all long like that and I cut it off (sorry to all the girls who are mad at me for that), I figured I would make a new one, but this time, I would customize it with me l33t Photoshop skillz.
Here was the original one from the candybar pixel doll maker website that I used as a base:

And here is what I came up with after ridiculous amounts of editing:

So, let me know what you think, I though I did a pretty accurate portrayal of myself. I used that pic of me singing as my idea for how it should look, so it should look pretty close to that.


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