Nov 14, 2005 11:50
"People ask why I am in a sorority and I try to explain all the things a sorority is that they cannot see. A sorority is more than letters on a sweatshirt, I say. More than traditional songs, a gold pin, rituals, and obligation, or a way of life. A sorority is learning about people, a sorority is giving without expecting a return. A sorority is earning respect from others, as well as for yourself. A sorority will not solve all your problems. But I have made good friends and found confidence there to help me take life one step at a time."- So I think this sums up a lot of my feelings about my sorority. It is more than words and it is something that is beyond surface. It is a bond and a sisterhood. It is ritual and love and a way of life. So yeah, if you want to know what a sorority is and why I am in one, there you go.
AUBURN BEAT UGA!!!- all I have to say about this is WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
IRON BOWL 2005- I can't wait until Saturday!! This week is going to be crazy!! Floats, Ludacris, Pep Rally, AU/UA Swim Meet, Kat Long is coming in town, and we're partying like rockstars this weekend!! Ye-ah!!
Christine is going to be in the 'ham over Thanksgiving- um yeah, I miss her like crazy and I can't wait to see her. She's going to be in town Wednesday-Monday. I haven't seen her since August and we've both been so busy we have barely gotten to talk. But I'm so excited to see her at church on Sunday. Yay!!
Panhellenic Cabinet-I thought I had a bad interview. I swear I did. But I guess they didn't think so b/c I made Panhellenic Cabinet. AOII has 8 girls who are going to be at the meetings. Tracy(Panhellenic President), Melanie(AOII President), Liza(AOII JP Delegate), Page(Greek Sing), Caroline(AOII Panhellenic Delegate), Me(Enrichment Programming), Laurie(SGA Liason), and Michelle(Head Computer Analyst). Let's just say that Tuesday nights are going to be so much fun!! Meetings start tomorrow and I'm super excited!!
Thanksgiving Break 05- For the first time in about 5 years, I am actually going to have a break!! No bball, no practice, no games, no committment, no nothing. I am so so excited. I'm shopping and sleeping and eating. I'm going to go to a few bball games and cheer on my girls. I'm going to spend time with my favorite boys-my Dad, Tyler, and Drew. I'm going to spend mother daughter time w/ my mom at the mall. I am going to hang out w/ my friends that I never see anymore. And I can't even wait.
Ok, I'm done being random. I quit. I'll catch yall on the flip side. Peace.