To explain the God i serve would be impossible.
I myself cannot fully fathom it all.
The best part about it is that i don't want to.
Has has given me the patience to hold on.
he has given me the patients to wait in every aspect of my life.
he has taught me the true meaning of love in its raw definition.
He makes me want to write a song to him. A love song, a song never ending
He makes me want to dance before his thrown but even dancing wont express it to its fullest
I play the guitar because i feel closer to the kingdom
I sing because i want to join with the angels in praise
I live because of who he is.
I WANT TO SCREAM, JUMP, DANCE, RUN but nothing humanly possible seems to be enough.
Nothing i seem to do outside gets out what my heart and soul are screaming inside
I wish i could reach that highest point to express FULLY the way i feel
Being without him is loosing my breath, my thoughts, my everything.
Nothing will ever stand in the way of me getting to know him more.
He is my love, my Abba father, my everything.