Jul 02, 2005 07:53
Okay. So, I just got back from the Bahamas and feel so close to God. I love that feeling. I know God is always with you (always) but, there are just some times when I feel like He is right there. I am so thankful for the experiences God has put in my life and all the people that have blessed it.
Anyways, back to the trip. So, I just got back from the Bahamas and I miss it like CRAZY! I had a FANTASTIC time and I will never trade my experience for anything (even the bugs). :) I've been on a mission trip before but, it wasn't the same. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy Romania but, the Bahamas was so different. It was a bunch of youth and I don't know, it was just different. I'm really glad that all that happened, happened while I was there. We had FANTASTIC leaders also. I'm not sure they realize how much of an impact that they had on our group(especially Blair and I). It was weird, on the plane back to "the states" everyone was saying how glad they were to be going home and how they couldn't wait and, here Blair and I were, crying and not wanting to go home AT ALL. I think Blair and I were the only ones that really didn't want to go home and the only ones that cried. So, about Blair... she's this AWESOME person who I look up to a great deal. She's FANTASTIC. I knew her before the trip (from dancing and church) but, I didn't really know anything about her. Now, I consider her one of my best friends which is neat because we're a lot alike which I never would have guessed. (By the way, Blair....... if you're reading this.. I'm very PROUD of you. You've always been able to pray good. I've looked up to you for that.)