Burn baby Burn!!!

Nov 04, 2005 23:12

If you set yourself on fire, people love to come and watch you burn.  -John Wesley

The world doesn't need the church to come up with a great evangelism strategy.  What the world really needs is for a group of people to make Jesus Christ the passion of their entire life.  The tepid interest in Jesus Christ by the world is the natural consequence from the tepid interest in Jesus Christ by the church.  When the redeemed of God start living like they are, we'll find that the world will be drawn to Christ.  Jesus Christ hasn't changed (He's still the same yesterday, today, and forever), the world hasn't changed (wickidness and self glorification has existed since the beginning of time), so, if we are finding a weakening interest in Jesus Christ, look no further than to the Church.  We, who have been washed clean have failed to live a life of characterized by radical passion to Jesus Christ...the result... the world isn't impressed.

*Alright peeps... give me some topics to sound off on... I'm starting to run dry... let me know what you would like me to speak out on, and I'll give it my best shot*

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