Aug 14, 2005 10:42
Whoooo!! I leave for Utah in 4 jour.
Thurs and Friday me, Caitlin, Kim and KT went up to an island in the 1000 islands, even though theres really 2100 islands (thanks for the info caitling). The island was named "Derottenburgh", it was such a nice camping site. It was amazing fun and we got a lot of awesome pictures, some are rated 14A. ( Oh shit paparazzi!! aka KT) At 2am when a giant killer black spider attacked us and we couldn't go back to sleep. I named it Mama Hoe-Tap, and after I smacked that bitch up we found Daddy Dick Dangler, an even bigger and furry spider.
Last night I had a "last time we can get drunk in Ottawa until Dec Party". Annie bought me such a sweet present, around 4 dart guns, picture frame and two chocolate bars. B-rett and Caitling got trashed out of their minds and it was soooo funny. The guys had gone out and bought fish earlier that evening, Lil' Brudder (aka sober sicky) got two of them up on a street light, it was impressive. He also gave Kim's car racing stripes, they were tight. Then me and Lil' Brudder went and tied the biggest fish to the back of B-rett's car, B-rett even bought the fish. We lied and told him we put it on a slide in the park, then he hugged Jordan because he thought it was such a good idea. Don't tell him, he still doesn't know and he's sitting on the couch right now watching TV and has to keep running upstairs because he's sick. This is going to be good. It was the last prank I get to pull w these guys for awhile... I'm going to go take a picture of it in like 10 minutes.
Me, Caitling and Kim went for an hour walk or something. We ran around a few sprinklers. Kim ran into me at one point and the cup I was holding went flying and hit some car, we bolted. I picked Caitlin a flower and we decided to go throw it all over Richard Shih's house (I hate Shih Shih), we walked over to his house and I stuck it in his car windshield wipers. Then in a park Caitling started talking to random shadows, but it turned out to be some guys. Their names were: Ryan, Mich and Colin (he was hot, we'd tap him). We showed them the fish, they were impressed. Caitlin told them about how she was sleeping in my bed w me and they got all excited. Then she said something about dykes, which made them even more so interested. (Times like this I really wonder if ppl understand we're joking around). Then the guys showed up and met the randoms we met. Then the randoms had to leave and the rest of us returned to my house. We all went to sleep, kind of. Me and Caitling kind of got drunker by laying down, because of all the running we were doing before and the drinking at the same time. It was the best kind of drunk I've ever been. So we "rocked out" to some Rage Agaisnt the Machine in my room. Then at around 3am i suggested me and her go look for that cup we had lost earlier. So we head off and Nathan comes w...of course me making a drinky poo for the walk, a little pomplemousse (if it's not spelled right shut the hell up) and vodka.... we ran all around ppl's yards and never actually found the cup. Then we got tired and i got blisters from running so we decided to sit on the street. When we returned we were shocked to find the death car had left... the 4runner. Kt seemed to have left around 4ish to go home...that was depressing and dangerous? I woke up at 9am and despite me still being pretty drunk I made everyone breakfast and we said our Bye Bye's. I'm sure the fact that i'm leaving for a long time and won't see these ppl for awhile will hit me soon enough. Right now i'm just enjoying the memories from last night, and the picture i have of Annie posing infront of KT and Brett on-top of eachother.... awww jeah!