sleepy mandy!

Sep 29, 2006 03:58

i feel like i just got the shit beat out of me.

i haven't had a day off in quite some time. we've been shorthanded at work. girls quitting, getting replaced, then the replacement quits, then their replacement gets arrested, and the new new replacement is busy with dentist appointments and such, so i get to work everyday, and just be glad that i only have to work one shift per day. this sucks. i have been making good money however. so it's not all bad. i'll be taking three days off next week for a road trip, or just a mini vacation at home. i haven't decided. i should just rest and recouperate, but i'll probably just take advantage of the few days off and go visit family or chill in portland, or go see the river city rebels in seattle, who knows, i've got plenty of cash, and 3 days to kill, and since i work day shift, it's more like 3 and a half if i leave right after work on saturday. something to think about anyway.
so i've been busy at work. it's good. it keeps me out of trouble and it keeps me busy so i'm not worried sick about my boyfriend. joe's a fisherman, he's out on the ocean fishing for black cod. it's dangerous work out there. and i don't get to see him much. but i think that is one of the reasons why this may work out after all. i just have to keep from getting all emotional about it, because i'm a girl and all,, poo i know. i'm not usually that mushy, but this one's the one, i can tell. and i just don't want him to get hurt or what not. he'll be back home in a day or two, and things will be back to normal. i can't wait. because we've got arrangements that need to be made. he asked me to live with him. we're going to get a house in washington. maybe, astoria, but there's not much here, and i work in ocean park, so it would be easier on me.. so i'm hoping for longbeach. we'll see. i'll be happy anywhere as long as he's by my we'll really have to start looking soon. we need a place big enough for the two of us and all our crazy pets, and random overnight guests. maybe a 2 or 3 bedroom place with my own bathroom? here's hoping.
we're going to get married in vegas. i'll finally get my elvis preacher at my drive thru wedding. i've always wanted to do that, and now i'm going to get to. i'm so excited. we're not planning anything now or yet or for anytime soon, we're not rushing things. but we talk about it. it's something to look forward to. he takes good care of me, and he's proving to me that he wants to continue to do so. he loves me and will make a good husband. the pitbull is a bit jealous, but he'll get used to the idea. and my cats will have to get used to him too. soon to be one big happy family.
so nothing much new other than that. still in love, moving in with the boyfriend, still suffering from lack of sleep, made it a goal to set aside a few hours to watch scarface this last couple of weeks and still haven't had time. i've watched the first 4o minutesish, that's all. i passed out from exaustion. god i need a day off. i'm so tired of being tired.
i hung out at the marble shop tonight and played a 12string alvarez in a basement with great accousticks and conjoined two unfinished songs together to make on badass complete song. i'm a happy camper. i know i work lot, but i play a lot too and because i'm go go go go go constantly on both playing fields , it leaves very little time for sleep, so it's my own damn fault, but i'll sleep when i'm dead. for now, i'm just trying to keep my head above water.
i'm really into photography.
and shopping
and jokes.
someone should tell me a joke.
it would make me feel better!
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