wow! i bet you never thought you'd see an update from me again. well too bad. i got back from my first week at camp today, aaand it rocked. aaand i don't like being "home." i feel like i should come here when they let me off for my day of not being up there because my parents miss me and all that, but there is really not much AT ALL to do here. dan is here...ish, but he's got shit going on at tech the whole time. garreth is here, that is cool. in fact we may be going to some sort of hippie bonfire thing with lots of drums (?) tonight. it sounds fun. but yea, i really really really wanna be in athens. i guess that will have to wait until next saturday.
but yea so as the title of this here post states... i kinda feel like a girl? i am pretty sure it's all because of "the OC." let me expound. so we're at camp, it's staff week, and my buddy will has the entire first season of "the OC" on dvd. well for anyone who ddin't know, for the past two years the idea of "the OC" (that being, the idea of a really trashy teenage soap opera that everyone gets brain-washed into) has really irked me, and so i vowed to never ever ever watch it. well... i broke my vow. really really bad.
i walked into will's room in the cabin and he and another guy from the my staff were watching "the OC." well, i figure what the hell, i'll sit down for a minute and make fun of it. well sitting down for a few minutes to make fun of it turned into watching the whole episode, because it really was fun to make fun of, since the plotline was SO ridiculous, aaaand i honestly didn't have anything better to do at the time. when it ended i figured i'd watch another one with them, and by the end of that one... yea, i was hooked. so was my friend/boss mr. reginald regis ratcheford, III. and so it came to pass that over the course of the three days following this sudden suction of my senses that we watched the ENTIRE first season. yep. all 27 episodes. and by the end of it we felt like it was some sort of horrible drug addiction, cuz we KNEW it was bad, but we HAD to watch it. and so that was that.
season two isn't out on dvd yet. fuck.
so yea, that's why i kinda feel like a girl. not much else is going on... 'cept that someone is't exactly being consistent between what she is sayin and what she is doing. thanks. thanks alot. i thought this would have turned out differently than all the other failed used-to-be-somethings.
oh well. so here are some quizzes i ganked from ali. i had nothing better to do.
Orange is your Lightsaber color.
Orange represents energy and enthusiasm. It also
symbolizes strength and endurance. People with
orange lightsabers are curious about life, and
the world around them. Fascination catches them
at every turn, and they are creative enough to
understand life's potential.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have? brought to you by
Quizilla cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by
Quizilla oh yea, and i gave blood today. go me!
i go back to camp tomorrow. weee. but at the same time, darn... when am i gonna get some rest?
peace out bitches. i luh'z you.