May 11, 2005 23:05
i know that may seem like som cheesy line, but i mean that with every way i can try to explain. i dont even know if i am making since, and its a marvel i have come this far without very many goings back to fix typoes. i dont want any typoes here. expect for the som near the top. i talked to him and he's a pretty cool guy. oh, and i dont want any midword punctuation either.
(AND YOU, sneaky hyphen)
so this is pretty fuckin cool. i am at daniels place and its nothing but chilling and getting high.
i am so fucking baked right now.
AND NOW, for something almost entirely akin to what was written before:
(ha! gotcha byitch!)
no. isnt. not ever. is there ever any change? how can this secondarihood only ever be what i am cut out for?
fuckin makin no sense bastard is typing in bold. look out.
dixit Minerva ad Cratosum: " O arcerbissimus Cratose qui studiens mortua dei Marte erret, mihi audi. esse sapiens cotidie debes studire." Audiens hoc Cratosus ad malum vitiamque vertisse recognoscit. Eum, ille Cratosus qui necevibit deum Martum, in terra occidivit et lamentavitur. Ita denique exceptum Cratosi coepit.
well ive run out of time, as we needs to gittin on toward the party, but take easy plerrs.