Worried Cat Parent

Apr 18, 2012 12:40

Since I switched over to Dreamwidth I haven't exactly been keeping things up to date, despite the odd idea here or there about minor events or recently read books. Catherine was good enough to budget for me to get a new computer recently (the first non-pre-used one I've had since... ever?), sadly followed about a week later by the external hard drive crashing before I'd moved my music/video/ebook/pdf files over.

While I've stopped dwelling too much on the loss of all that data (which, however annoying I might find the loss, is ultimately unimportant) I now have a much greater concern - the current whereabouts of our beloved cat Mystery.

I couldn't find her before I went to bed last night, although she'd been crashed out on the bed earlier in the evening. I assumed she must have found an unusually clever spot to hide and sleep. She normally joins me at some point during the night, although very rarely she doesn't if she's in a very comfortable spot.

This morning there was no sign of her, and Catherine mentioned that the cat door was open, so she must have gone out again sometime between about 10-12 last night. I haven't got any work today and have been around the block looking for her, but so far there's no sign. This is very worrying, as normally she gets distressed by my absence, especially if she doesn't get to see me off or otherwise establish my presence of a morning. I'm hoping she found a spot in somebody's home last night and simply hasn't been able to get outside again. As far as we can tell the cats don't normally venture outside of our block, so hopefully she's still in the vicinity.

I'm trying to find other things to do, but I keep feeling there's got to be something else useful I can do to help find her. She's a very special cat to me and I'm not ready to lose her - but if I have to, I want to be there for her at the very least.

This entry was originally posted at http://jesusandrew.dreamwidth.org/117531.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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