Forgot to Mention - I'm Free!!

Oct 09, 2010 09:43

Free I tell you! Last essay finished yesterday at around 5:40 pm, with an Express Post envelope ready for it to be rushed off for the 6.00 pm collection.

The printer was very helpful by not running out of ink as I printed it, even though the ink counter was worryingly low.

And then... the university website screwed up. You need to print a cover sheet to attach to the front of the essay, stating all the relevant details and affirming that you haven't committed plagiarism. And the damn website was down!

Fortunately, for one of my other subjects which had to be submitted electronically, somebody had reconstructed a document with all the necessary fields, so I was able to change the necessary details, print it, sign it, rush off down the street at 5.52 pm, pass Catherine who was on the way home and say a brief hello, wait impatiently for the lights to change, run down to the postbox, post it, walk back more slowly, down two glasses of water and some Panadol and relax. Time: 6.00 pm. Sigh of relief.

Now I just have to wait to see how that job interview on Thursday went...
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