Nov 16, 2005 16:48
i know its common. i dont care.
*i am at high risk for going into a comma. i am currently in danger zone. in order to get me out of this they have put me on a rediculous diet (3oz of meat, 1/2 a cup of veggies, 1 cup milk and 1 startch for dinner aka the big meal of the day). NO sugar (are you kidding?!). plus i have to take my blood sugar levels all the time w/ a stupid needle that hurts like no other. i dont care that im 'lucky' i dont have cancer or anything else because i might as well. diabetes side effects: blindness, amputated limbs, coma, death. i dont care that people can live normal lives with diabetes. this is not normal. starving yourself is not normal. shooting yourslelf everyday is not normal. always feeling hungry/tired/in pain is not normal. not being able to eat thanksgiving dinner or cake on your friends birthday will not be normal. it is not fair, that's what it is: NOT FAIR. i could not have avoided it and now that it's here its ruining my life.