well i really didnt do anything today either. got up at like 6:15 and got ready for school, i was straightning my hair and didn't realize that my neighbor had been waiting outstide my house for a few minutes until she beeped and i had to run outside without my shoes on. HAH! school was boring. i reviewed for finals which i am nervous for, and in band it was our last day to play for the rest of the year =[ lunch was nice i sat with my friend brandy and we owned some people, and talked shit about them. Then i went to algebra and then i got on the bus. My walk up the hill was a pain in the ass. I think i was like out of breath when i got to my house because it was so hot out. Then i went on the computer and it started to rain. After the rain was over i went out side to take pictures and get the mail.
some of the pictures i took ;;;
the ones of the puddles- i thought it was cool how you could see the trees in them. idk maybe its just me. thats really all that happened today. later.