Halo 2

Jan 08, 2005 23:32

Halo 2, what can I say. First off greatest game of all time, hands freaking down. I thought about posting about this earlier but thought I should get to know it better first, so now that I have had two months with it I'm good to go. All should buy this game and if you don't have an xbox buy one, your like missing out on the nerdy action and all the gooey goodness that is xbox. Ok so now you have xbox and halo 2 in hand, I say play the single player campain first. You know the whole story and all, it's really good, though many complain about the end because, well because it doesn't end. Can you say Halo 3. Now that you have beating the game go back and beat it on legendary, then when eiter, A. you beat it, or B. you can't take the madness anymore, stop and get xbox live. ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY XBOX LIVE. Ok or you ready.....GO. Now know this Halo 2 will ruin xbox live for you, meaning this. You'll play halo 2 on xbox live then play the other xbox live games and be like "this is crap, screw it I'm playing Halo 2 again". Alright I think I'm done with this for it has been about 15 minutes sence last fraged someone and I'm not sure if I can take it anymore, BYE.

P.S. Download the song I'm listing to it's called "Public Pervert" by the genius of INTERPOL. If you like, well i suppose, if you like the strokes you'll dig them. Puts the strokes the shame thats for sure, well then again almost every band puts the strokes to shame. Oh and pay no attention to the smoking goth, I caught him smoking, so as punishment I'm making him smoke the whole pack, he knows.
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