Touche Jesus, Touche

Mar 16, 2005 22:31

Ok, very quick update since I might not update before I leave.

Last saturday, Ivy and I drove 6 hours to Billings where we watched the boys AA state basketball championship game...where our team proceeded to win and where we chanted that one guy had 6 toes (cause he did) and all this other fun stuff.

I got my hair colored today. It's basically blonde again.

Yesterday, I left my house at 6:15 in the morning...i returned home at 10:15. WHen i was finally able to eat dinner. Today was about the same schedule.

Our satire newspaper that we are putting out is going to be hilarious...stay tuned.

I leave on friday at 9 am for los angeles dream center with gen one. Woot. That'll be way fun.

Tennis practice started on monday.

Finally talked to dan, while I was in Barnes and Noble trying to find Hamlet. The week school ends he's going to fly here and stay with me for a week and then I"m going to fly back with him to Alabama. Ohhhhh yeah.
(did you know alabama has a beach? Go figure)

Oh and Josh and Jess are buying a house (since they're having twins and all) and attachted to said house is a 3 bedroom apartment that Sherry is going to rent. They want to start up a girl's version of the "Power House" and I was asked to be one of the girls to live there. Rent's only like 150 bucks...but uhh..i'm kinda a junior and I like mooching off my parents to much.

April 7, brendan and I will be traveling w/ my parents to Seattle so that we can go to a 3 day journalism conference, so that i can see my baby neice and so that I can visit the schools I want to go to. Yay me

Ok i need to get to bed.


(P.S....abby i love you and thanks for coming wiht me today. Haha...but don't say that I mentioned anything.)

Oh and yesterday was meghan's birthday..i got her a "Happy Birthday Grandpa Card" haha yay.
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