Mar 19, 2008 02:32
Where I would update maybe once a week. Now it's maybe once a month. I'm only writing in it now because I'm hopped up on caffeine and I can't fall asleep for the life of me. Just today I've had 4 cups of coffee, 2 large caramel things from Starbucks, 2 Rockstars, and I have gotten 3 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours. My back is killing me, I won't stop peeing and I like to complain. Sigh. I've grown tired of typing already and I'm going to heat up a piece of pizza and play some video games.
I'm also re reading Hairstyles of the Damned for the 5th time, I believe? Maxwell just bought it so it made me want to enjoy it yet again. God damn it I love that book.