Right! SO, we have Jesus Island. For the new people, I'll give a basic rundown of the
This takes place in an AU of the original Pokemon world. Rather than being tiny countries, Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, and Hoenn are actually large continents. The world is also more realistic. Children can't go Pokemon training at 10- Instead, it takes a liscence, and with VERY few exceptions, liscences are given out at 18.
South of Sinnoh and east of Kanto is a small nation by the name of Kumoen. It has no official government, holds no alliances, and stays out of any and all world conflicts, as it is completely self-sufficient. Until recently, its borders were completely closed, and it was something of a mystery. However, with the various world-conquering teams around, Kumoen has decided to take an active part in repelling these.
Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh all have pokemon training academies. However, these are generally only open to the rich or the geniuses, and then only to natives of that country. As such, Kumoen has opened an academy of its own on one of its small islands, one named Jesus Island. However, this one has no barriers to nationality, wealth, or skill. Anyone who wishes to attend simply may show up, register at the office, and they're in. Anyone attending the school gains full immunity from any past misdeeds in other countries for the duration of their enrollment.
The island's environment is generally a strange mishmash. Due to strange electromagnetic fields the weather around the island is something of an impossibility, with most possible habitats coexisting on one island (a la File Island, only with a school in the center, not Infinity Mountain) (though maybe the school has mountain-ish things around it, think more on that later)
As a result, almost any pokemon can be found here. However, due to a clever system of cages and baits, the island's officials can control what pokemon are actually out and encounterable at any given time.
The level of technology is very high- Holograms, teleporters for pokeballs and various trouble pokemon that shouldn't be out, and things like that are par for the course.
Before we go on, let's continue in slightly more detail about the mechanics of the
school itself.
It's a boarding school on an island. Clearly, we stole this from Yu-gi-oh GX, as we are shameless, shameless thieves. However, the way the school works is completely different. First, rather than a high school only, it's a 7th-12th grade school. Dorms aren't separated by rank, but rather age and gender. There's one for high school boys, another for high school girls, another for junior high boys, and the last for the junior high girls.
There is an elaborate system of teleporters around the island, connected to a series of cages and habitats hidden underground. These let the island's officials control what pokemon are able to be encountered and caught by the children at any given time. It also functions as a safety measure, as if a Pokemon goes wild and is about to maul a kid, those in charge can whisk it away.
Students earn points through grades and battles, and at various points, they can spend these points on PokeBalls. Every so often, usually once every few weeks, the stored Pokemon are released onto the island for the students to attempt to catch more.
And then, now that that's set up, we also have, gasp of shock and alarm, a
See, this island is a very strange place. First, you have rumors of what seem to be almost yetis. Only in this case, these yeti legends are Missingno and `M.
Then add that, unknown to anyone, under the island sleeps Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie. They retired there in ages past to sleep, avoiding the emotions and spirit they created. Unfortunately, such huge spirits and runs of emotion directly over them seems to be causing them to stir a bit, to their anger.
Then throw on top that the entire academy is run by Team Rocket. Teachers that are not Team Rocket are the minority, and the team uses it as a place to train and scout new talent to add to their ranks. The principal is a 'reformed' Giovanni, James is the science teacher, and so on.
Then there's a trio of Team Galaxy members who seek to use the great powers of whatever's holding the island's climate together, the Pokemon there, and the dormant powers they found sleeping under the island to create a greater energy source.
Add it all up, and you have what seems to be a very bad situation.
We are absolutely terrible at drama. In other words, despite all this setup, the RP is primarily character-driven and completely, totally insane. Anything that can happen, will happen. Anything that can't happen, will happen, so long as it's funny. A librarian who can slice things wide open with a bookmark? Check. Canon characters being altered to fit the environment? Check. Canon characters being altered for the sake of humor? Check. Original characters that include a vast range, from the Shounen Retard to the genius loli? Check.
In other words, if you join, don't take it too seriously! We'll move the plot along eventually, but in the meantime, just sit back, have fun, and watch the creepy librarian have fun.
And finally, a section too small to warrant a cut:
The RP will take place mainly on IRC with LJs acting as a backup of sorts, holding all the important things like setting, character sheets, and characters, if you so desire, can get journals and interact with each other here.
We're on the IRC Darkmyst server (irc.darkmyst.org) on channel #poketheawesome (because the RP is just that awesome, you see). You can get IRC, if you don't have it already, from www.mirc.com. If you have any questions, IM me over MSN at hinoryu at hotmail dot com.
So come! Join the awesome!