I am going to do a real entry again...but first...

May 15, 2009 22:09

Rome: Caesar thru Nero - A
Private Voice Lesson - A
Acting Studio: Technique II - B+
Stage Combat IV - B+
Voice and Speech IV - A
Movement IV - A
Theatre History II - B

So...I am pleasantly surprised by these grades. I thought I was going to barely pass Rome. I mean I got a B- on the first research paper and a B- on most of the quizzes. I have no idea how I pulled that one off, but it might be my greatest academic achievement. It was a tough class. B+ in acting is really good especially since my teacher practically never gives A's. Stage Combat was what I expected. I got an A and a B on almost all of the tests. Plus we took our national certification test last Saturday. I got a recommended pass on Broadsword (the equivalent of an A) and a regular pass on everything else (B). So I can teach combat now...that's kind of crazy. Speech and Movement were what I was expecting. Theatre History was the best. I love the teacher, Dr. Fielder, so much. She is so damn brilliant and funny and awesome. I used to be a really good student in her class. I got As every other semester with her (this was my fourth and final). However, I completely slacked off this semester. I did not do three of the take hom quizzes (you can only not do 2 without getting a failing grade). I also did not do the sepparate character analysis sheets for my final research paper. She passed me purely on my A+ on the first test and my participation. I love her.

So...I'm going to be a junior...craziness...Plus for the third year, I got the acting teacher who everyone wants. This time I have Rosie Hay. She's crazy and British and wonderful. I think next year is going to be really interesting. I have some more news about next year that I can't say yet...but I am quite excited...

Okay...real post soon...maybe tomorrow...later days!!!
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