Nov 13, 2005 10:29
"I don't mean to belittle what you are going through, but you have to get your eyes focused on the right things. If you look at this life with eyes focused on being happy, you never will be. But if you look at this life with eternity in your eyes, you will realize that this life doesn't really mean anything, it is just a wisp of smoke which is soon blown away by the wind. What is important in this life is witnessing to others so that they too can live for eternity with God instead of spending eternity in hell."
I just found this on the internet somewhere. check this out. read the last sentence.
"What is important in this life is witnessing to others so that they too can live for eternity with God instead of spending eternity in hell."
So we have to save people from hell. thats our reason for being here.
God FUCKED UP earth, realized there was no saving it, not even he could do it, and he leaves it up to us to save or destroy eachother. like a fucking science project. like ants in dirt, we are, just wasting away.
If there is a god, he doesnt want me. or she, or it, or whatever. im not wanted, and i know this.
There is no meaning to life, so why cant i just fuck it up? oh wait, to late.
im in a downward spiral, can some pull the string to release the trap door, a trap door that will lead me into a room filled with something. be it happiness or hatred, just something.
im so tired of being in the dark.
im so tired of living in fear.
i meant it when i said if people listened to me, it would be ok. if everyone listened to me, it would be ok.
am i the only one with sense, or am i really that insane?
someone give me the answer.
i WILL be there, i promised you, and i promised this will work out. i'm NOT breaking that promise. i swear on everything, i swear on my left arm, i swear and my soul, if i even have one, that it will be worked out. i just wish i could be there for you right now. im so sorry i cant, but i will soon. i promise, and i will keep my promise to you. all i ask is that you keep yours.
i love you more then tears can cry.
God Help Us All.