Title: Will of Fire
Day/Theme: Feb 25/Tinder ablaze
Series: Naruto
Character/Pairing: Iruka, mentions of Naruto and the villagers
A/N: More old pieces....
Excerpt: The will of fire is something Iruka had been talking about for years. Yet, for all that teaching, they were always just words to him.
The will of the fire is something that Iruka had been talking about for years. It is something he learned oh so long ago, before any of the problems that started recently even existed, and he can remember exactly what he learned. Yet, for all that teaching, they were always just words to him.
(They were just words to everyone.)
They had been repeated so often, so many times, that the words lost meaning and it became something that was just said. It inspired greatness, sure, but it was the greatness specific to each person.
It was never the greatness that originally made those words.
As he stands in the background, watching, just watching because that is all he can do now, he thinks he can understand the meaning of those words. He saw a glimpse of it three or so years ago, when Naruto saved him that one time, but now he thinks he can see why that expression came to exist. Naruto has that will of fire, He has it and isn't hiding it, using it and showing it to the world to see. It is shining brightly as he pushes on, it shines brightly as his generation struggles.
(And the world is watching with baited breath, waiting to see what Naruto will do with that will.)