we are having a party next Saturday

Jul 14, 2012 14:23

Technically, it's a 3 way birthday party.
I sent out about 30+ invites, with an RSVP date of Tuesday.
So far 3 work yesses for me, and 5 maddy yesses for maddy.
3 no's.
and utter silence from the other 20+ given out.

I hope there are more yesses, b/c we need to hit some sort of party threshold, and like... that's not quite it.

we haven't had a party since the wedding reception.
before that, it was the godawful one where Jim's brother and his wife came. a week before they split for divorce.  That party is my "lots of people are better" reasoining. b/c it was AWFUL b/c there werent enough people to buffer the What The Hell Is Wrong With Those Two factor. and honestly, that's it for "party's I've hosted since living on my own as an adult"

before people get here we need to clean.
I have some cleaning people coming, but they only do 2 man hours (damn Groupon) which it turns out is Not Enough.

we also need to mow, weed whack, and trim hedges.
We also need to put a Metric Shit Tonne of laundry away.
and decrap the house of stuff we never put away.

and decorate and cook.  That's the easy part; I'm off Thursday and Friday to deal w/ that kind of thing.

We are going to Cook Off Some of the Massive Quantities of Food in the Freezer for the party.  I told Jim he could Soy Veh anything in the freezer he wants to.
we are also doing veggie kabobs and i have bread coming and cheese in the fridge.
We are also going to clean the pantry for the food drive at work this weekend.

Planning wise, I am thinking:
Two tv's softly streaming Cars in the couch rooms.
outside in back: jim grilling. 2 misters.  cleaned out sandbox.  we have deck chairs (must clean) and a child and an adult sized picnic table. 
On the front driveway  I thought I would set up yard chalk and a folding table under our beach awning.  I thought I could put all our various musical instruments on the table as a kiddie play station.  none of them are valueable, and it's a flat place.

child other activity is a cupcake decorating table.  That might be inside. 30% chance of rain and 100% chance of bugs outside.

i think we have plenty of seating, but we may be low on tables.

time is 4-8.

I got kiddy party favors already.
I need balloons to fit maddy's defition of a party. already have some of those "birthday hats" for her

my fridge has about 25 alcoholic beverages and 75 sodas in it. also some juice boxes and individual milks.

very nervous that I dont know how to do this.  but I WANT to do this and have it be fun.
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