if you know one, thank a veteran. if you don't, thank one anyway.

Nov 12, 2006 21:26

this weekend was okay. i guess that's my spectrum; things are either okay or not okay. the movie on friday was very funny. saturday was nice because i got all the things i wanted to get done accomplished and then my mom and i went out and saw flags of our fathers. that was also a very good movie. it was moving and thought provoking, not to mention emotionally trying. it's hard to believe anyone lived through that war and yet both my grandfathers did. my grandfather on my father's side stormed the beach in normandy; if you've ever seen saving private ryan or flags of our fathers he was in those little floating tank looking things that took the soldiers from the boat to the shore. my grandfather on my mother's side was also in france and he was a runner who took the phone cables to the various trenches so as to facilitate communication. neither of them ever wanted to talk much about what they saw and did, which i can understand, and now both of them are gone. when my grandfather on my mother's side died, i was only 3 or 4 (though i do remember some things about him) but when my other grandfather died in 2005, i remember thinking that we had lost not just a great man, but a wealth of experiences that would never be disclosed. the man lived 80 years, had 4 kids, was in world war II, was married more than 50 years. it's a shame to lose anyone, though i know it is necessary given our mortality. but this movie...it made me appreciate again my grandfathers and everyone else who served, whatever the reason. it is a bravery and a love of country over self that i cannot truly understand but i can and do admire it.

family, movies

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