Well, I got in a random fanfiction mood, and was kinda deciding on what I wanted to read.
I'm still mainly in a Sesshoumaru thing, but Naruto's been on my ass a lot, and then I'm listening to Blood+ stuff, so I'm kinda-ish in a Haji thing. So I was trying to pick one of these...
"WhIcH oNe ShOuLd I tAaAaAaAaAaAaAkE?"
But as you can prolly guess by now I said fukit and went to the Inuyasha archive. And before I even did the sorty thing, there was a new fic up, and call I saw was the title: "Anatomy Lessons with Lord Sesshomaru". And trust me, it's not bad. At all. I thought it was very fucking hilarious. I was lmao the whole way through.
I mean, the characters are very much in character. Maaaybe with the exception that Sesshoumaru had to tinkle... FUCK ANOTHER QUOTE!
"Lord Sesshoumaru! Blehbablehbababeh!" "Hold that thought, Jaken! The Great Sesshoumaru needs his tinkle time!!"
Anywho~ but hell, I think he pees. And how else is little Rin gonna see his penis? >______> AHN-EE-WAI. It's cute. And fussy Inuyasha is cute. Just... URGH you know what I'm trying to do. It's not that long, go read it.
Here. Read it. おねがい、ね?母ちゃん?