Dec 31, 2010 05:07
So it's currently 5:01 and I'm still up and I'm playing Runescape. I'm also still in the computer room. Why? Because I've been transferring all my shit to my laptop from the tower. But somehow, I feel as if I'd said that already. Too lazy to check.
About an hour ago, I was really wanting to get all the stuff done and get to bed. But while playing RS, I notice Randy's on. So I chat him up. And we've been doing so since. Now he's going to Hardee's or something cause he's only eaten a thing of ramen today. Much like I've only eaten 3 slices of pizza. I damn want another right about now.
But I'm really not all that tired now. But I bet if I went and layed down, I could fall asleep fast, but I'm seriously worse off getting little sleep than none at all. Idfk why. It's happened at school.
Kay, I really don't know where I'm going with this, but I know I'm going to be dreadfully tired today, and a certain someone will prolly get tired of my bitching about it. -_-;;
video games,