Nov 04, 2004 01:14
Why are Christian republicans so obsessed with electing a president who has a strong stand on gay marriage and abortion? Why would they put so much emphasis on an issue that is almost completely decided by the state and Supreme Court? Yeah the president will maybe elect a couple new justices, but history has taught us no matter who elects them, you don’t know what you’re going to get. Elect a president by his qualifications for the job. Did Bush do a good job as a president or did you just like it because he is a “Christian” and he “prays”. Don’t tell me Kerry flip-flopped, because that’s total propaganda. Are you telling me it is wrong to make a mistake, realize it, than correct it? We should give Kerry a pat on the back instead of criticizing him. Look at how Bush went about the Iraqi War. Notice I say Iraqi war because it was completely separate from the Afghan war. He basically lied to us about weapons of mass destruction, he lied and tried to make it seem like Sadaam was some how connected to Al Quida. Does anybody pay attention to the fact that we will have a 200 billion dollar price tag to this war that worsens as the days go on? Maybe people are too busy eating Bush’s words about how he’s always had the same stand on the issue. How can you be proud of being too proud to admit a mistake? Everybody knows the war isn’t going well, and does anyone want to trade places with those soldiers over there? I know I sure as hell don’t.
Another baseless argument I’ll hear is that even the democrats didn’t like Kerry. The fact of the matter was that most people didn’t know much about Kerry at first, because nobody knows about the presidential candidate until a while into the campaign. When I finally started to get the facts, he actually seemed to grow on me. Kerry was a very good speaker, he had some great ideas on foreign politics, and he even became likable. Christians will tell you, “oh, but Kerry doesn’t oppose gay marriage and abortion so he doesn’t have a lot of character.” Let me tell you something, character is built on a whole lot more than some issue that divides a state. How about Bush’s character when he lied to the American people and can’t admit the war isn’t going perfect? People say he had a bad senate history, and that is based off of what exactly? Oh yeah I forgot, you’re not a senator and you don’t know what you’re talking about. You have to vote for something or against something, and if you think any issue raised in the senate is black or white then you really need to check yourself. Sometimes issues wont be clear cut until years down the line, not to mention the fact that the Senate does not have unlimited money and they have to prioritize. The fact of the matter is, comparably Kerry has a good senate history; and what do conservatives expect, he is from Massachusetts.
My last point of today, or rant of today is over the Patriot Act. Has anybody bothered to really read what that let’s the government do? They basically are one step closer to being able to come into your home and search your house because you said the word “terrorists”. Your phones can be tapped, your entire life searched and destroyed because you might be a terrorist. They can hold you in jail for over 3 days just because you might be a terrorist. This was put together by the Bush administration, and one of the biggest reasons why he lost so many conservative votes. Does this remind anyone else of the Red Scare back in the Cold War? What ever happened to freedom and the constitution?
The point I’m trying to make is that Christian Republicans need to get a new argument. You need to realize there is things more important than what the president believes governments role is in issues he can’t control. You need to realize that Jesus did not spend his time talking about abortion and homosexuality but rather spent it helping the poor and the unfortunate. Try and give me an argument that republicans do that and I’ll buy you a cake.
God is not a Republican.