Feb 07, 2007 08:41
Rules: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known trivia facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.
1. I have deja vu a lot. It is hard to explain but I have dreamed it before, and the situation just comes to pass. I know instinctively that the situation is going to happen.
2. I have a really good memory for everything except names of people I meet. I blame this on Bible Drillers, a program from the church I attended when I was younger. We memorized versus and were in competitions. But, we totally ignored names except for books of the bible which you only had to find within 10 seconds.
3. I once had a girlfriend whose mother was more interested in me that the girl I was dating. She liked my teeth...um ok.
4. I have so many hobbies I have to do something for each of them atleast once a week to keep track of them.
5. I count to 6 when doing things like tapping, walking, fidgeting etc.(I do them six times each)
6. I never studied unless in a group of people that I just wanted to hang out with. I did not need to.
7. I helped others graduate from College, and then get them jobs. But, they are more successful than me now.
8. I look for motivation for why people do things rather than listening to what they want. If you figure it out, you are way ahead of the game. Sure you hear what they want, but I think very quickly and jump ahead.
9. I broke my left arm(which was placed in a full arm cast past the elbow), was sun burnt and had poison ivy all at the same time. To top myself, I broke the right wrist shortly there after. Then I burst a blood vessel in my right wrist shortly there after.
10. I have little motivation myself, I only achieve when others expect or place obligations on me. For example my mother wanted me to graduate college, which I did. But, I had no other goals or dreams beyond doing that. Like what do I want to do with my life after that. I still don't know. But, I do not live for myself so much as others, I get energy by being around others.
I would tag others, but I'm not sure I know that many people on here, or that anyone bothers to read mine anyway.