It's um... a Quiz!

Sep 26, 2004 18:36

I've seen this is a few people's journals, but I got it from beeta's. This is actually way too long for anyone to be interested in reading, but I'll do it for my own amusement. Mybe I'll edit out the more pointless questions.
1. First Name: Larissa

2. Were you named after anyone? um. no. *scratches head*

3. Do you wish on stars? uh-huh

4. Which finger is your favorite? my thumb. It gives me an advantage over most earth creatures.

5. When did you last cry? ...I... don't remember. Probably fairly recently. I cry all the time.

6. Do you like your handwriting? yeah, actually, because it's different. Even if it is a loopy cursivey illegible mess I love it just the same because it's MINE and I'd like to see somebody try to forge it!

7. What is your favorite lunch meat? hammmmm

8. Any bad habits? twirling my hair, typing funny, grinding my teeth sometimes, getting all fidgety in class, singing at all hours.

9. What's in your CD player right now? Les Miz I think. no wait... Katy Rose?

10. Do you believe in soul mates? uh-huh

11. Are you a daredevil? I wouldn't say so.

12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to? ohhhhh yeah.

13. Do looks matter? not really. I wouldn't date a guy who I thought was hideously ugly if that's what you mean. But then again I also thought wade was pretty ugly and look what happened...

14. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? HAHAHAHAHA!!! ohhhhhh yes!

15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? I dare you to try to follow it.

17. Are you trendy? um, maybe? I don't try to be trendy but I do try to look good. It depends how you define trendy.

18. How do you release anger? cry, talk to Cedric, talk to anybody even if they're not listening. Trying to break things or hurt things never works for me. But sometimes I burn things.

19. Where are your second homes? Bettie's, ashleigh's house.

20. Do you trust others easily? Probably... not.

21. What was your favorite toy as a child? Spots! My baby snow leopard! Ahh, the memories... And my raggedy ann dolls. All of them. Do you guys know the real story of raggedy ann? I do.

22. What class in school did you think was totally useless? government. math with ms. krause.

23. Do you have a journal? uh-huh. It's called a diary because I'm a pathetic GIRL. And I have this silly thing.

25. Have you been crowd surfing? err... no.

26. What do you look for in a boy/girl? Wit, sense of fun, caring.

27. What are your nicknames? Katzchen, Kat, Ritz, Rissa (please don't EVER call me that) Lars, sometimes Larry, and Trixie.

28. Would you ever bungee jump? hm... maybe. Okay, actually I would not bungee jump but I would parachute out of a plane!

29. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? never.

30. Do you think that you are strong? no. oh heavens no.

31. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate. Anything chocolate.

32. What's your favorite color? pink and green

33. What is your least favorite food? broccoli. and alka-seltzer. That's not a food. *awkward pause* It is really really gross though.

34. How many wisdom teeth do you have? how would I know? A million!

35. Are you in love with anyone? I'm in love with Marius. ........ *uncontrollabe laughter*

36. How many people have a crush on you right now? nobody....

37. Who do you miss most right now? *sigh*

39. What are you wearing? nothing!!! heh. heh... cargo pants and a tank top... and socks and underwear and a bra.

40. What are you listening to right now? the sound of ESPN in the background because I'm in dad's lair.

42. What was the last thing you ate? ...milk?

43. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green I think.

44. How is the weather right now? nice.

45. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? ashleigh I think. Oh, but this wierd guy did call a few minutes ago looking for dad. Does that count?
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