Aug 20, 2004 05:57
I have a pretty annoying alarm...and the guys slept thru it...Passed out a little after 3 am. it is now 6 we really need to leave now soo we can get to Boston in time...(but its really not even Boston shhhhh.....we'll just keep saying that) "this is a wicked ahsome pit" *punchs Boston kid in the face*
~I miss my rabbit like whoa & my Little doooooooche...(cher)
I'm probably gonna be married when I return. Ohhhh yea!
My black and blues are finally gone well the ones you can see...with my clothes on *wink* Now time to get more! I hope I don't break another nose...LOL who am I kidding...I'm sooo fucking tired right now...I'll probably be home like Late Late friday night or Saturday morning...
When I hear GC playing I'll think of Jen and hit people just for her<3 GC BABY *pounds*
If you are lucky any of you I'll see something neat and bring it back for you.
If anything happens to me my porn can be slipt up and given to all of you...
Jessica Lynn