Oct 23, 2009 01:24
I know a lot of people don't like Olbermann. He's obnoxious. He's self-righteous.
But you know what? Many times, he's just RIGHT.
Speaking on the right-wing's collective pants-shitting about the White House calling out Fox News for being a tool of the Republican party, KO had this to say
(According to) Tucker Carlson, the world's sophistry champion "... the two most senior members of the White House staff attempt to bully a news outlet into silence and hardly anyone says a word... Meanwhile the same White House that had just finished lecturing working journalists on the superiority of straight news coverage hosted a secret off-the-record briefing for Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow of MSNBC. The two, along with several other liberal commentators, spent more than two hours with Obama. Why is the press corps giving the White House a pass for behavior it never would have tolerated from other administrations? Conservatives belive it's simple bias."
I'm a little tired of the sanctimonious amnesic crap from people like Tucker Carlson. The previous White House planted questions in its own news conferences, secretly paid conservative coluimnists, staged massage briefing sessions for radio hosts, sent out a list of questions they hoped I would use to discredit Joe Wilson, publicly attacked NBC, publicly attacked MSNBC, by the admission of the press secretary just the other day cut MSNBC out of access to administration officials and its party leadership tried to blackmail NBC news into removing me from election coverage by threatening to boycot a presidential debate.
This White House finally called out a group of amoral political operatives posing as journalists. That was it. They didn't deny them credentials, they didn't try to silence them, they didn't take them off the air, they didn't try to take them off the air. They called them what they are - the media propaganda wing of the Republican party.