Jun 24, 2005 22:14
I have messed up. Royal. For those of you who know what I am talking about, great. For those of you who don't, here is the long and short of it.
I made some statements about one of my professors. Not only did it get back to her, but I also am in serious trouble for what I said. I guess that is all I need to say. So the long and short of it is that I am going to stop using this livejournal. Too much harm has come from it, both to me and, more importantly, to other, more innocent people. What I said, I said in error, not really meaning it. But I said it, and that is what matters. I regret my words most sincerely, and will not be doing such things again.
So, openly and realizing what this all might mean to everything, I wish to say two things.
1) I am sorry, Professor (I do not use your name, for I do not know if you would mind it or not, but if you are it, you know that I am talking to you.) for what I said. I did not mean it, and was in error when I wrote it. I was not thinking. It was immature for me to say such things and I am truly am sorry about it.
2) I am formally shutting down this livejournal. There will be no more posts here. So, to all of you, goodbye. Thanks for listening and so long.