(no subject)

Mar 28, 2006 08:17

After reading about Star Jones today, I'm fucking sick to death of people who flaunt and demand attention and act all proud of something they didn't even do. She lost weight, yes, because she butchered her digestive system. Anyone can do that. And I guess she has boobs now since she paid for those. Wow, go you! you should be proud!

What if I ran around saying "Hey everybody, I have a Gold Medal from the Nagano Olympics!!" Of course, I just bought it off some dude who won and later turned to crack for his outlet, but I still have that fucking gold medal. Shouldn't you be proud of me? I did nothing of any effort or skill to earn it, but I've got it. Be proud, put me on Sports Illustrated and Wheaties. Because the end result is all that matters, it doesn't matter that I didn't do jack shit, right?

I fucking despise these people. Parading around like they did something special. You had surgery. You, because you have no control, did what people do normally - you don't eat as much. Sure, you don't have a choice, which is I guess your biggest problem before, but you didn't earn shit. You were a disgusting person before, now you're just a smaller disgusting person.
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