Title: Depending on Sock Design (taken from a line of GG)
Rating: G
Warnings: Rory bashing galore, spoilers for all of GG, general SPN stuff-I assume you know everything in this.
Disclaimer: I own neither SPN or GG, just my ideas.
Description: What if instead of dating Rory, "Dean" was hunting her?
So please read and give me lots of comments and feedback
My family stayed in danger. Dean broke almost every bone in his body. I gained some very interesting scars. My father’s obsession grew deeper. And the Beast got stronger.
Oh, it had its moments of doubt. It knew that it couldn’t survive much longer off the same worship it had always known. The mother had almost no more to give, and it was jealous of the father and of Luke, who were its rivals in her affections.
The town had only the same thing to give it had always done. It was bored of that. The same restless uneasiness it had felt with me, it started to have with Logan.
The poor guy never really had a chance, but maybe if I’d been there, he would’ve been able to make it like Jess had. He actually still has hope, because if once the Beast is killed, their link will be severed. But it will be hard for him.
So the Beast wanted to move on, to find fresh blood. I was still watching the Beast and I could see it. But I was stuck where I was for a long time as the Beast made its plans.
Finally, my family was safe and I could kill the Beast. But this victory would be a culmination of many people’s efforts. My whole family and the hunters from Stars Hollow joined me as I struck the killing blow.
It was hard because the Beast was strong from the incredibly loving farewell party the town had thrown it. All its pretend friends and family were as they should be and loving it for that. It had a future and it knew where it wanted to go next. It wanted to keep that body and use it for more ruination and despair. But I knew what would kill it.
Knowledge of what it was and disgust and disdain of the evil it did. The Beast needed to be loved. It couldn’t stand to not be admired and thought of as perfect. It had once climbed a tree to my roof to tell me sorry for its sins just so I would continue doting on it while it devoured someone else.
So we all stood there and told it what it was. We showered it with the light of the truth of its unacceptable behavior, completely despicable wickedness and total resemblance to a cheap tramp. Then I used Dean’s gun and I killed the Beast.
My name is Sam Winchester. I’m a hunter, but if these seven years have taught me anything, it’s been that a hunter is not all I am. So I’m going to school now and I don’t care what my dad says about it. I’ve seen a lot of hurt caused by the Beast and I don’t want to be a part of that anymore.
And say if I’m ever on a tour on a Hollywood movie set and anything about Stars Hollow or Gilmores is mentioned, I’ll run and then Dean will harass me. Not that we ever talk about the Beast, because unless we ever find whatever started our careers as hunters, the Beast is our greatest foe and triumph. Seven years of hard work and we don’t want to jinx it. Jinxes really do happen.
This is the end of my catharsis and Beast bashing spree. Thanks for putting up with it. I needed it.