Book releases

Apr 13, 2013 09:32

You know what just now occurred to me after months with more books published? I barely ever actually announce my new books out here on the blog. I know why I've done that - I stay away from anything remotely approaching promotion - but it does seem sort of strange to keep the books quiet and let them build by themselves when I publish them ( Read more... )

hmm, books, cannibal, writing

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Comments 2

travelintheways April 15 2013, 01:28:47 UTC
I'm curious, why do you avoid promotion? Probably the biggest reason I won't stray into self-pub anytime soon is that I'm intimidated by what I understand is the need for extensive self-promotion (that, and I don't trust my self-editing quite enough).


jesterjoker April 15 2013, 13:17:05 UTC
It's mainly thanks to Kris Rusch's insistence that it isn't a good habit to get into. The best promotion is to simply work more and harder. I know I want to be a lot more prolific and if I went around spouting off about what I've already done I wouldn't be doing more of it ( ... )


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