meme from lareinanoire

Feb 02, 2013 23:45

1. If you could make a single person in all of the US political spectrum disappear without a trace, who would it be?

The first person who came to mind is Glenn Beck and all of his freakish creepiness. How he gets airtime in any coherent world I do not know. Though shortly after that comes Bill O'Reilly and his disturbing assassination books...

2. What is your favourite piece of your own writing right now? (Because if you're anything like me, this has been known to change on a daily basis)

Oh yeah, it flips constantly. I try to throw myself into all of my books, though, so I can't rightly say anything I've written in the past. :)

"The book I'm writing now" is the usual answer, though, and I can't do the obvious, so I can take a scene from the book I'm on now. It turns out I wrote a scene a few chapters ago that I had been writing this whole series to reach, and until I wrote it, I didn't know that I had anticipated it so intensely. The book will get much easier to write now, in a sense, and I've pretty much reinvigorated my interest in my own series after that scene.

3. What would be your ideal job and where would you live?

Ahh, that's a predicament question. I would love to be a full-time writer for a while but, as I am right now, I'm really not sure. Until I build or discover the real functioning support of in-person writers, the loneliness of the career would really grind on me.

I think that's why the "where would you live" is the key part to this question for me. I want to live everywhere and travel all across the world and roam roam roam and turn all of my experiences and strange things (because no matter where I go, they happen to me, and I'm glad to have a bizarre life) into fiction.

Freelance writing goes pretty much hand in hand with constant traveling, so that's at least the ideal. I imagine it'll take a long time to get there if at all, as it usually works for the ideal situation. Right now, I'm just trying to write as fast as I possible can and publish like a maniac. I could go on and on. :)

4. What new fannish thing are you most ridiculously impatient to get your (metaphorical) hands on?

So much!! Copper Season 2, the Fringe Season 5 box set, September's Notebook that sounds like a pretty unique tie-in book since my sister ordered it, [b]Claymore[/b] Volumes 22 and 23 (I think it ends at 23. Pretty sure.), Alastair Reynolds's Blue Remembered Earth, Sons of Anarchy Season 6, Serenity's new album War of Ages, Skillet's new album Rise...

Tons and tons of things. I would have mentioned Justina Robson's next Quantum Gravity book and Jim Butcher's next book but I'm reading those right now. :)

5. What is your favourite thing about Minnesota?

I think that's probably the amazing libraries we have in this state. We have an interlibrary loan system that goes through the entire state and I cannot begin to describe the impact that has had on me since I discovered it. I wish I had less difficulty meeting people in libraries, since they're my favorite place to go, and now I'm thinking when I move again I might have to get a writer's group started. Focused on production, not criticism, of course. Gotta write gotta write or I'll go mad argh gibber gibber. :)

fantasy, books, scifi, anime, writing

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