Enemy Territory Published

Mar 30, 2012 03:34

Enemy Territory, a giant robots and demons extravaganza and the second book I have written, got sent around to three agents and two publishers. None of them took it, though one agent and both of the two editors did reply to my messages. While I had thought of it as a better (if not by a lot) book than Vortex Trigger, I pondered for months whether to send it into corporate publishing or do it myself.

The changes in the publishing industry tore off the roof in the last few months, especially with a price collusion investigation. I decided that is absolutely not the time to leap into the corporate side of things, and besides, I desperately need any trace of money I can find, right now and immediately.

So. I published it. It's currently up on Smashwords, with a cheezy cover I might change someday, and Kindle and Nook have it going through their process. Because it's a full length book at 90k and 300 pages, I charged $4.99. And lo and behold not an hour into the publishing, I already have a download of the first 25%.

I have no clue whether that person will buy it, or if anyone will, but holy crap I am really getting addicted to publishing books. I need to write a lot more, a lot faster and maniacally, so I can publish every last thing I've ever written.


Sheesh, am I silly enough that I forgot to give the description? This is the one line description: "Vespasian Shiraan, son of the Empress Katarina, must return to his homeworld before a mad scientist, a cultist and an ancient god can conquer it." I think it's a good description of the whole book.

newsstatemn, books, scifi, cannibal, anime, writing

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