Jun 03, 2004 01:03
and interesting conversation with darrin....
Darrin: 4615K, div by 4, mult by 2, div by 60= 38.45
Darrin: right?
BunnyOf The Wind: eh...i dunno....
BunnyOf The Wind: u can put a time stamp on when messeges were sent
BunnyOf The Wind: i sibtracted the time u sent it from when it arrived
BunnyOf The Wind: see? u know better math than me!
Darrin: it was exact?
BunnyOf The Wind: yesh
Darrin: 38.45
BunnyOf The Wind: u were right ^.^
Darrin: HOLY SHIT!
BunnyOf The Wind: at least u really do pay attention
Darrin: fuck yeah
Darrin: thats y i passed the fuckin class!
Darrin: hell yeah!
BunnyOf The Wind: you passed? YAY!!!
Darrin: oh yeah!
Darrin: im the king!
BunnyOf The Wind: eh...not quite
Darrin: and y not?
BunnyOf The Wind: you need an army, a government and a country...then ur king ^.^
Darrin: i have all that..
BunnyOf The Wind: oh okay!
BunnyOf The Wind: then ur king =^.^=
Darrin: im the king!
BunnyOf The Wind: woot for the king
BunnyOf The Wind: I'm ur jester
Darrin: hum, what should i do as my first act as king?
Darrin: I KNOW! ill through yer evil step-sisters in the dongeon! MUAHAHAHAHA
BunnyOf The Wind: yay!!! *does flip*
Darrin: lmao
BunnyOf The Wind: woot!
BunnyOf The Wind: yay for excelness of evil step sisters
Darrin: how long?
BunnyOf The Wind: life!
Darrin: lol
BunnyOf The Wind: phhp on them
Darrin: no.. the X queen (reanna) must be beheaded
BunnyOf The Wind: *does back and front flip* FWEE! I'll get the big buff guy who has the big black mask on and has the axe!
Darrin: that would be my friend seth..
BunnyOf The Wind: kay!
Darrin: shit, he'd be happy to do it
BunnyOf The Wind: *puts reanna's neck on wooden thingie and holds her down* FWEE!!!
Darrin: *john trys to save her* (stupid knight)
BunnyOf The Wind: (lmfao!!!!!)
Darrin: *he gets shot with arrow*
Darrin: *multiple arrows*
BunnyOf The Wind: AHAHAHAHA *does flips around john's dead body*
Darrin: lmao
Darrin: *seth dropps the axe*
Darrin: *head rolls*
BunnyOf The Wind: *reanna's head rolls**cringes and jumps onto ur shoulders* EWW ITS STILL BLINKIN'!
Darrin: *party begins*
BunnyOf The Wind: fwee!!!! *does black DJ music and gets beanie on*
BunnyOf The Wind: and they all lived happily ever after
BunnyOf The Wind: THE END
Darrin: did u guys go?
Darrin: u and re?
BunnyOf The Wind: hell no
BunnyOf The Wind: christian wanted to take me
BunnyOf The Wind: OH OH OH OH
Darrin: oh... U SHOULD HAVE!
Darrin: not with him...
BunnyOf The Wind: I said "THE END" to him!!! fwee for manda!!
Darrin: my cousin sang at the graduation
Darrin: YAY!
BunnyOf The Wind: he said "manda would would u say if i said i wanted u back?" and i said "i'd say why" and he said "cause i miss you, and regret breaking up with you, and i love you" and i said "that's sad..." and he said "I knew you'd say that...so what is it?" and i said "the end" and he said "what?" and i said "the end of us" and he hung up. those are EXACT words
Darrin: SWEET!
Darrin: i love happy endings!
Darrin: either way.. shes a theif... she took me when courtney wanted me, and now shes playin with john, after u wanted him.... OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!
Darrin: wait.. fusk, we already did that one
BunnyOf The Wind: no kidding!
BunnyOf The Wind: thief she is!
BunnyOf The Wind: she got her punishment
Darrin: ....wait..what was her punishment?
BunnyOf The Wind: beheading dear *pat pat*
Darrin: lol... i thought u ment in reality....
Darrin: i was thinkin, BULL SHIT! she got a fuckin mustang!
Darrin: that aint no fuckin punishment!
BunnyOf The Wind: no kidding
BunnyOf The Wind: *sniff* all i got was courtney's bitching
Darrin: lmao
Darrin: whats worse, reannas bitchin, or courtneys bitchin?
BunnyOf The Wind: eh....*blink* don't ask me such hard questions, it gives me headaches!!!
Darrin: the both of them bitchin together is enough to crumble the walls of my jerihco, sink my titanic, and really fuck um my twin towers (all in my KINGDOM)
haha, thought these were pretty entertaining. woot. here's the lyrics to the song fiona sings and blows up the bird with in the first shrek movie!!!
There is something that I see
In the way you look at me
There's a smile there's a truth
In your eyes
what an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it be
This is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along
There's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for
So long
It is you I have loved all along
Over and over
I'm filled with emotion
As I look into your perfect face