For our final project for my Writing the Graphic Narrative class, we need to create a full script for a possible comic book, as well as 1-2 storytelling pages, and a character sheet. I have my idea all set up, and the teach likes it, but I'm having a little trouble with the synopsis.
Title: Dr. Denure's Clockwork Cirque
The Basic Idea: This comic will be presented as an anthology. It involves short stories based around invidiual characters, but each character's story is interconnected in some way. Characters who end up joining the circus are usually laden with some sort of baggage that keeps them from handling life properly.
The Cirque: The cirque is on a time-travelling (also flying!) train, designed and built by Dr. Denure. Depending on what time or place it is in, it appears to be completely different; in one era it may be a series of horse-drawn carriages, while in another it could be a steam engine, or even a spaceship. The train may even have a mind of its own, since the costumes change depending on the time or place of the show, and none of the performers really seem to be entirely human. Whenever one person joins this circus, another leaves. Eventually, everyone either finds where they are meant to be, whether it is the same time, or one they have never been to.
Characters so Far:
Edgar - The Juggler (a workaholic)
Jacques - The Contortionist (happy-go-lucky, but is unaware of others' feelings)
Nathan - Ringmaster (is uncharismatic)
Seth - The Firebreather (a cynic)
Orion - The Acrobat (is afraid of taking risks)
Nikki and Danielle (Twins) - Tightrope Walkers (are self-conscious)
Dr. William Denure - The Magician (feels powerless in his outside life)
Stella - The Lady in the Box (I have not thought much about her yet)
23 Year-old Seth had given up on life by the time he stumbled onto the train. He had an obsession with trying to be accepted by others, and yet, no one seemed to pay him any attention. He worked as a pizza delivery guy and was generally unmotivated to try to move forward in his life otherwise. He couldn't keep a girlfriend or any friends whatsoever, probably because of his stubbornness and irritability. He harbored grudges for longer than In stumbling onto the train, he actually resigns himself from everyone around him, despite the fact that many of the others are very welcoming. He finds that he's gone through some physical changes, including a new found (though hard-to-control) ability to breathe fire, and make small flames arise on his fingertips (about candle-sized, no larger). He gets on the train to return Jacques' hat, thus earning the boy's gratitude and affection. Others see that Jacques likes him, and try to get him to open up. He continues to push people away, until he (does some kind of honorable act, I don't have it figured out yet) learns to accept that if he accepts himself, others will as well.
Edgar lives his life on a tight schedule. He sets rules for himself and guidelines for everything. He is organized and efficient. If something goes wrong that ruins his checklists and schedules, he is overwhelmed. He never allows any time for himself. One could even venture as far as to say that he has long since forgotten how to smile. He's forgotten how to interact with others, he feels he has no time for relationships. Even once he joins the cirque, he remains aloof, always reading and researching the different times and places they visit. His story begins once he is already a part of the cirque, and Jacques adores him and wishes he would come out of his room and practice with everyone else more often. When he finally gives in and tries to let go of his schedule he fears everything is falling out of control (not sure about the specifics yet), but eventually he learns that it's important for people to take time off and take care of themselves instead of focusing only on what needs to be done.
OKAY I also need a third character story, and I'm considering doing the origin story for the circus, but at the same time, I'd rather do a character for the sake of consistency. I also need to create a character to be getting off the train when Seth is getting on, because that's sort of important. D: There are also a couple of characters who will never leave the train, like Jacques, but I don't know how much detail about that I want to go into anyway, so I might leave that hanging, IDK. For my character sheet, I'm either doing a lineup of the cast, or a turnaround of Seth or Jacques. I love their designs and love excuses to draw them. :3