Yeah, that was pretty much me alllllll weekend. And I was EXCITED ABOUT IT TOO.
Lawl, okay, so I promised I'd ramble on about Megacon, whether you guys like it or not. It was kind first "real" con. I went to Anime Boston back when I was 14, but I went with my mom, so it was kind of weird and awkward and...really, who goes to cons with their parents?
So we get there pretty early on Saturday, like 8:30 or so, and there's just this HUGE MASS OF PEOPLE waiting at the gate, which we get lost in pretty quickly. I guess it was supposed to be a line. Supposed to be, being the key phrase here, because it was mostly just a mob. So we waited in line and picked out characters and costumes we thought were cool and such. There were TONS of Soul Eater cosplayers. I felt really out of the loop for not knowing any of the characters' names, but I recognized them anyway.
So we get inside and head to the dealer's room, and we weren't even there two minutes before some girl runs up to me and hugs me and is all "OH MY GOD, SCOUT! YOU'RE MY FAVORITE! I HAVE A PLUSHIE OF YOU AND EVERYTHING! CAN I HAVE A PICTURE WITH YOU?!?" And you know what, that actually made me really, really happy. Like, wow. I don't even know why, it just was a GREAT way to start off the convention.
Actually, all day people were stopping me and asking me for pictures. Even with my back turned in the middle of a big crowd, people still tapped me on the shoulder and asked for photos. It was kind of weird, because honestly, I think my costume was really half-assed. Hell, I finished it Friday night! And even then it wasn't everything I wanted, I couldn't get the bonk labels I printed to stay on my mountain dew cans, and I couldn't figure out how to keep the mic on my headset without it looking really stupid. All in all, it was ghetto. No really, this is what it looked like at 1am Friday:
LOL LINK. Still, I don't even know how many times people asked me for my picture, or for me to pose with them, or whatever. I loved it. It made me feel really cool.
So anyway, many funtimes were had until there was a big mixup with Ash's bank account and we bounced early because apparently she had a lot less money than she thought she did, and I honestly felt a little irritable because of it. It wasn't her fault or anything, but I was kinda meh because there was so much more opportunity for fun I was missing out on, and blah, it made me grumpy. So we went across the street to Denny's to see if she could sort out her bank stuff and eat (for some reason I wasn't hungry and was just really meh), but I was cheered up a bit by all of the congoers there. I got up to go to the bathroom (because holy crap, how much mountain dew did I drink?) and there were shenanigans in there, even. There was a France and an America, and then a Death the Kid was complaining about how asymmetrical the bathroom was and how she'd do it differently if the interior decorating was up to her. I come out of the bathroom, and there's really boss-looking Engie waiting to be seated, and she sees me, so I jog up all "LOL BLU IS TOTALLY TAKING OVER DENNY'S. WE'RE SO AWESOME." After that, I felt a lot better.
So we sat around for a bit and these cool furries we met in the food court earlier showed up, and we hung out with them for awhile before deciding that we needed to find a place to stay. We had only planned to stay for Saturday, but there was no way we were driving back from Orlando at that time of night, and I was grumpy and she was pissed as all fuck so I doled out some extra money for a hotel room (luckily a Red Roof Inn across the street had vacancies), and we crashed there for the night.
Luckily, Sunday was awesome. There were considerably fewer people, so there was much more room for shenanigans. And SHENANIGANS DID HAPPEN, I ASSURE YOU. Before the con even opened for the day there was lots of zombies chasing cheerleaders, (why is there a cheerleader competition next to the nerd convention, I have no idea, but it's BRILLIANT), random playfighting, and death. I think my bat was borrowed by at least four different people by that point for random pokings/smackings/etc. (It wasn't a real bat, it was just a cheap plastic one I wrapped in duct tape, but people kept asking if it was real, wtf.) Additional shenanigans ensued when I took the liberty to steal every intel case any cosplayer had, regardless of what color it was or they were. Someone had a BLU case? I snagged it, all "Give that baaaack!" and if someone happened to have a red case, "I'll be taking thiiiis!" And so on and so forth.
I was the butt end of something like a million your mom jokes over the course of the day, but the most memorable for me was actually from a dealer. I went to his booth specifically because I remembered seeing a pretty sweet Fullmetal Alchemist bag there, that had gears on it and everything, so I was looking for it, and I don't even remember what I said before that, but the conversation got interesting real fast.
"Probably because your mom's always busy with the RED Spy!"
So all the other people standing around the booth are all "OOOOOOH!"
"Oh yeah, you wanna come out from behind that prissy little table of yours and say that?"
"Oh come on, Scout! Everybody knows about it!"
"Bring it! I'll come over there if I have to!"
"Come on, do it! Double jump!"
"Lawl, and break everything on the table? No thanks."
Ah, good times. Later in the day I went out to wait for the photo meet, and some guy just sort of yelled as he approached "OH MY GOD. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START WITH YOU." which made me feel pretty damn cool as well. I was sitting on the floor for awhile, and admittedly I was doing what I dreaded: texting my mom to explain the situation. I knew she wasn't going to be happy about the random hotel room charge, but I had to tell her about it before she saw it on her own and like, angrily called me in the middle of the con. (Which I am SO GLAD did not happen, btw.) So a few other TF2 cosplayers showed up, starting with Scout's Mom and RED Spy, who I greeted with the most disgusted look I could possibly muster, and there were lots of shenanigans that I hope will be posted on the internet, because they made for lulzy photos.
But I pretty much left in this SUPER EXCITED mood for getting ready for other cons, because we all talked about possibly setting up for an informal TF2-based capture the flag game at Metrocon. On the downside, I COMPLETELY lost track of time and left poor Ash alone all day. D: Some friend I am. She said she was expecting it and not to stress because she got a lot of stuff done, but I can't help but feel guilty. Not to mention I woke up this morning, and my legs hurt SO MUCH I COULDN'T EVEN WALK PROPERLY. That's what I get for being bouncy and loud and yelling all the time for two days straight, but hey, way to be in character, right?
But since I'm all hyped about conventions now, I do see a bit of a plan developing in my mind. But this post is GIGANTIC enough for now so I'll hold off on that.
And congrats to you, here's an e-chocolate-chip-cookie if you read this entire post. I love you guys.