Another Survey! Damn Straight!

Dec 21, 2008 10:25

First of all, I'm sick. I hate being sick. Hate it. I'm not sure how it happened, but this is my theory:

Vexen was mad the other day for something stupid. Not just his usually prattiness, but really fucking pissed. So, you know how when Vexen's upset all the air in the castle drops, like, 30 degrees? Yeah. I had just returned from a mission and, lo and behold, Demyx had the brilliant idea of showing off his new shred attack to me first thing I walked in. I end up soaked and still have to report to Superior-man. Hence, I come down with a cold. Whoop-de-frickin-do.

That's what I think. Demyx denies it. All of it.
But he's forgiven. He just owes me all of his sugar stash when I get better. Willingly or not.

Anyways, he and Roxas are down in the kitchen making me soup or something, and I found that Vexen had posted this weird survey about Marluxia. Most of the stuff on it I didn't want to know. Ever.
On the other hand, I was wondering what I should dream about tonight.
Since Roxas is nowhere in the vicinity, I'm gonna take full advantage of this opportunity and fill out the survey. Hah.

1. What would your SO (significant other) say you have more of than anyone else I know?

2. You’re blindfolded, in a room with all the people you’ve ever dated. What will your SO say is the most sure-fire way for you to identify them: By smell, By touch or By taste?
Smell. Roxas always smells nice, sort of like laundry detergent, but in a good way.

3. If your SO’s body were a fast food joint, what will they say is the LAST thing they should be bragging about on the sign out front: Their big fluffy buns, Their chicken thighs, Their all-beef patties, or How many they've served?
... Can I please skip this question?

4. If Mattel modeled a doll after your SO, what phrase will they admit is most likely to come out of it's mouth when you pull the string on it's back?
You know, I think there's a contract in the works. Probably.

5. Who would your SO say was the "better catch" out of the two of you?
We don't talk about that stuff?

6. If your SO could change jobs, what would be their dream job?
Ice cream vendor! No, um... he'd probably like to work in a toy shop. Or something equally cute.

7. What is your SO's favorite "comfort food"?
Sea-salt ice cream.

8. What would your SO say their greatest strength would be?
His ability to feel. That, or how he can hang a spoon from his nose.

9. What one item of clothing do you wear that your SO would say they just can't stand?
My 'Demyx Time' t-shirt.

10. What would your SO say is your most irritating habit?
My spontaneity. Did I even spell that right?

11. Who would your SO say takes the longest to get ready in the morning?
Me, but that's because I'm a late sleeper anyway.

12. Who would your SO say drives the worst?
Assuming Roxas could drive, he'd say me. And I agree with him there, too.

13. What is the strangest gift your SO would say you ever bought for them?
Hm... I'd have to think about that. Maybe that Maui tissue dispenser. For the record, it was a joke.

14. What would your SO say is the first thing they noticed about you?
Besides the fact that I found him, he said it was my friendliness. Damn if I'm not the friendliest guy here.

15. Who initiated the first kiss?
Me. Admittedly.

16. How does your SO like their coffee?
A truckload of sugar and two creams. Like his soul.
(You gotta love the girls who wrote that fic. It keeps me in good spirits.)

17. When my SO wakes up in the morning they're likely to find my __ on their __ .
hand... head. You thought it was going in a different direction, didn't you?

18. When was the last time you and your SO had a long passionate kiss?
Couple of weeks ago.

19. What's your SO's favorite color?

20. What is your SO's favorite alcoholic drink?
Roxas can't drink! Shame on you people!

So, yeah. I need to get better soon, because I promised Roxas we'd go visit Santa in Christmastown. And I have to do more shopping. Shitshitshitshit.

love survey axel roxas organization xiii

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