Feb 27, 2005 22:09
Well here I was moping about how cut off I am from my friends when I came to a few realizations:
1) I was sad but was doing nothing about it.
2) I have a forum whereby I can get a hold of my friends.
3) I was being quite stupid about this - most of you do not have a way to get a hold of me off line.
4) I was being unfair to you, who are my friends, by shifting the blame for this to your shoulders
I am sorry that I am a recluse. I do not do it out of malice. I am so wrapped up in my studies that I failed to notice some of the simple things in life are falling by the wayside. A few of you may feel wronged by me because of this. I apologize for it. I am going to try to show up to a game (7th sea) as soon as my knee is up to it. I am also going to try to make at least one post every sunday (the only time I really get to do this). I hope that you understand that while I need your company I also am addicted to books/technology. I need to make a better balance though and I will try to do so.
hugs for all,