Feb 02, 2005 20:17
Wow its been a really long time since i last updated. I survived my 4 EE and 1 Biochem classes last quarter. ACM is doing well. I finally got a social event going - ACM and IEEE bball tourney. Couldn't have pulled it together without Mimi's help. ACM lost the game. After we reset the score to 0-0 we eventually lost the game 13 to 8. ACM was represented by Adam (the president), Akhi (faculty liason), Chris (career advisor) and myself (the social chair). After the game we went and ate at In-n-Out. Those IEEE guys were way bigger and better than i had anticipated. Adam and chris played pretty hard; akhi and i just stood on the perimeter. Now going back...Sallie organized a JC get together for new years. Three JC presidents were there: sallie, jeremy and myself. Tiffany and Allen and Jessie also went with us to go eat. They were the only people that i knew there. Afterwards some of us went to my place to play cards and drink. Brenda came over too (hey she's engaged now!). I really miss my jc buddies :*( Thanks to Sallie for setting things up. The big thing thats been taking up my time lately (and preventing me from updating) has been studying for MCAT's. Yen, Chris and I are well on our way to finishing all the studying in time. There's 2.5 months left and i just need to worry about the ochem section and finishing up the workbook. This quarter i should have time to do all of that because my schedule is pretty ordered. Plus i finish ee142 homework with diana every tuesday night. Diana is awesome...she's really smart and nice and SMART! I bum philosophy notes off of Caro...Thanks Caro you're a lifesaver. Speaking of Caro...class, when i choose to go, is the only time i get to see her even tho she's my sister's roommate. We need to workout together! Last sunday i balled with Chris, his cousin and his friend. We lost the first two pick-up games and chris said we werent gonna leave until we redeemed ourselves by winning at least once lol. Luckily we got a game going with these three really ultra short guys. Since i was the tallest on our team i guarded the tallest guy on their team and he was like 5'4. The other two guys were, by my estimate, 5'tall only. Even tho they were short i was unable to get any blocked shots. I wish i could. I love to block shots. HAHAHA ben wallace is da man. So there is nothing to do at Dubinett's lab anymore. I still visit sometime to see Brian tho. I havent been to church since right before winter break. I guess ill try to go sometime, but with MCATs edging closer and closer, it is unlikely i will have the time. Currently downloading episode 120 of Naruto. I know its gonna be a good episode because 119 ended right as Naruto and Kimimaro was about to go at it.