Jan 14, 2004 04:11
bryant wants to know what the future has in store for him. I have the answer. But i dont know if i should give it to him. I don't think he's ready to know. Is it right for a person to know his fate? What if he tries to change it? I guess it wont make a difference since whatever he tries to do to change his fate will be futile...he has a choice on the road to take, but whatever road he takes will ultimately lead him to the same destination. I took a glimpse into my future. I knew what was about to happen. I tried to change it but was unable to. Knowing what was about to happen but yet be completely powerless to do anything about it leads to great despair; not being able to control the events in your life...is life even worth living? Knowing that someone you care about isnt the one...knowing that the goal you have set for yourself can never be achieved...is it really worth knowing? Too late for me, but maybe its not too late for him...
some of you may be puzzled by this entry...it is probably better not to ask.