Jun 22, 2006 17:06
You know... my advice to anyone who's dating a 20 year old. Skip a year and see them again when they are 22. Like fucking clockwork, every girl I dated that was 21 had to jump ship and find themself. I figured it was just me. So whatever you shrug it off. Then a buddy of mine was dating a younger girl a couple of years ago too, and she turned 21 and decided "me-ness" was a real word and she had to find it. okay then? maybe it's at the top of a fucking mountain in the Himalayas. Go fetch.
So life continues and the order of things returns. Actually no. I lie. It doesnt. The same thing happens to my brother. What the fuck is up with 21. Jesus christ. I'm not upset about anyone having to do their own thing and run peoples hearts over in the process. I don't care personally cuz i really don't have a heart, but 21 is my favourite number and these "chicks" keep tarnishing the good name of the number 21. Don't you know the best athletes in any sport use it? Ya!!! I've worn #21 on my jersey for 21 fucking years now. I'm about to wear it at the fucking skydome this Sunday in my dream-come-true ballgame and i can't help but think it's cursed.
A little piece of advice to all you girls out there. STOP FUCKING WITH my NUMBER!!!!! AND L2P. (K, a bit retarded but that means Learn 2 Play. I would've said L2LLANHB - Live Like a Normal Human Being - but i'd officially be gay and have a lot of explaining to do)
I think i'll wear the number 12 next year. The anti 21.
Oh ya "Me-ness"? L2englishlanguage.