Dec 14, 2004 10:40
Ok, I haven't updated this thing in going on an eternity. I kind of gave up on it because it was useless attempting to keep a log of everything I do (I do too much, I know) and I never have time to write in here, anyway. Besides, nobody reads this but me, when I'm really, really bored. Yes, I do occasionally go back and read my old posts. Sue me. I just felt motivated to let everyone know I was still alive. Life rocks. I took my first final exam this was nothing special, except for the fact that I had to walk through the falling SNOW to get there (and my hair froze because I had just taken a shower and it was still wet when I went outside. Smart, I know). The snow is sublimely beautiful up here...I went for a walk along the creek in the woods behind my hall for about an hour and a half this morning. Usually I'm not even up that early (if I can help it), or if I am, I go right back to bed; but who sleeps when it's snowing like this?!? I've never seen snow like this. It's beautiful and amazing. People up here take it for granted, and look at me oddly when I pester them to come play in it with me. Whatever, their loss. It's still coming down hard, even as I write this. Purely amazing. There's nothing better than sipping warm coffee and looing outside your window at the snowflaks falling to the ground below. Well, ok, some things are probably better. But still, it's at the top of the list, somewhere. I'm so excited about Christmas!! When you no longer see your family and loved ones every day it makes those occasions where you do see them all the more meaningful. Or, at least, it should. I don't suppose it works like that for everyone. I miss my sisters, and my mom and dad, and Katy and Henry! I wish they could all come up here to visit me and see the snow like this. I want to go to Montana. I've decided that there are several places in the world I wish to reside in before I settle down completely. Top of the list are Seattle, Prague, Budaphest, London, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Texas and Montana. It's a fairly random list, I know, but then again, I'm at times a fairly random person. I believe I am now going to finish sipping my coffee and snuggle up under my fleece blanket, in my bed, and take a little nap, before going out to play in the snow some more. It's likely that I will not update this thing again for a long, long time to come, so try not to be too disappointed. Well, 'til next time, goodbye.