Apr 03, 2004 21:48
People should call me back when I call them. It would be nice. My feelings might not be so hurt. Today/tonight was just lame. If you disagree, shut up, you're wrong. If you're offended or hurt that I said that, shut up, I don't care. I cannot wait 'til graduation. My back hurts. I'm in a bad mood, could you tell? Seriously, not calling someone back can really hurt their feelings. You might think it's not a big deal, and sometimes, maybe it isn't, but when you don't call someone back, a number of perplexing things often occur...
1. The person who called you's night has just been frozen. If they called you to go do something or to see what your plans were, they are now stuck in a dilema. They don't know whether to assume you aren't ever going to call them back and move on and do something without you, or to hold off on all other plans and continue waiting for you to call.
2. #1 is more than enough to pretty much ruin someone's night. Plus, the person you forgot to call back's feelings are hurt. Awww. Shut the fuck up.
Ugh, I have a lot more I could bitch/complain about, but I'm tired of using this damn livejournal as just a place for me to vent. As evidenced in the past, LJ is a really bad place to vent. I want a deadjournal because all they're about is bitching and being pissed off. But you have to have an invite code to get one, so...fuck. THe internet just isn't a good place to vent. The way I work out problems and difficulties in my life is by vocalizing them to people, by talking about them...with anyone I can. I'm going to sop doing that. It's how I deal with things, but it always results in more to deal with than I had before because nobody is ever satisfied with just listening and allowing me to vent, they feel the need to offer advice and then to talk about it with their friends and even their goddamned teachers. And then I get annoyed that everybody in the whole damn world knows every detail of my personal life (or all the bad details, at least) and then I get even more aggrevated because it's my fault. So, fuck that. I'll just internalize all my problems until one day I just snap from the strain of it all. Sounds healthy. And besides, whenever I vent on the internet, people end up getting hurt by what I say and everyone and their brother has something to say about it. Even God, apparently. Usually I don't think my personal/social life is important enough for God to drop by and comment on but I guess it is sometimes. You'd think He had more important things to deal with...war, famine, drought, poverty, starvation, plaque, death, Republicans...those sorts of things. But I guess not. Good sign for the world, I suppose, when God doesn't have anything better to do than offer me advice on my love life. Guess He doesn't watch CNN. But then again, would you blame him if he didn't? Don't judge me.