Nov 08, 2006 01:09
well so college has been kicking my ass lately.
english 101 is wildly difficult and i manage to fuck up in some way shape or form in that class. its always that i miss something i dont have this or that or i did this wrong.
so its beginning to be quite stressful.
its also fucking my acting up because i cant concentrate on anything. my mind is all over the place. my eyes are bloodshot from stress.
i remember the first weeks of school it was like wow i have sooooo much free time on my hands its riduculus.
i also remember one of the theatre majors being like audition for everything because thats how u eventually get into things.
i did. and i got into things. too many things. doing four shows this semester was a no no.
i need a chill pill and i need to get all my shit done.