Jul 24, 2006 00:38
My birthday officially started at Denny's. I was chillin with Laura, Mel, Eric, and this guy who got kicked out of denny's about a year ago for making his own nachos.. lmao. it was fun. i stayed up late, and slept in. Helped Maggie move out a bit, got a phone call from Bennigans setting up my second interview (i got the job btw) I have orientation on Wednesday. It hurt that I knew the only time my best friend would spare for me was dinner, but tony and i did go out to the OG. Then I talked to Roxy a bunch. I went out with her and her friends friday night. She even bought me a cake and icecream. It was really touching. I decided that me and her must hang out more often. We think a lot alike and she's a blast. In the end it wasn't my ideal bday, but it wasn't horrible. I went to another party last night, it was.. okay i guess. a fight broke up which i wasn't cool with and left. i know it was a good decision to go when i did. I have a week left at Denny's. I'm kinda scared about leaving but I know its a good idea. Hm.. what else has been going on.. work I guess.. lol. My dad wants me to move home, so I'm saying fuck him, and if we don't find roommates in the next 2 weeks, I'm getting that apartment. I'm really excited about it all. But we'll see.. new doors have opened, a few closed, and in the end, my life is changing and its really exciting.