Apr 26, 2005 23:12
fill out the survey*
AbOuT Me
What is my name?
Where do I live?
When is my birthday?
What's my favorite color?
What school do I go to?
How old am I?
Am I Taken or Riding the Single Train?
Who Do I Like?
What's my favorite show?
What's my favorite store?
What's My SN/Email Adress?
Who's My Best Friend?
Do I have any pets?
wOuLd YoU _____ ?
Take a bullet for me?
Break up my crush and his g/f?
Help me cheat on a test?
Beat someone up that made me cry?
Go out with me?
Buy me a really expensive gift if I really really wanted it?
Laugh with me?
Laugh at me?
Kiss me?
Hug me?
Love me?
YoU CaN bE HoNeSt
What do you think of my appearance?
What do you think of my personality?
Am I fugly?
Am I Fat?
Am I Hot?
Am I too quiet?
Am I too loud?
Am I slutty?
Are we friends?
Do people talk about me?
Do you love me!?